Hello Fresh...ly Delivered Food Inspo to my Door!

We all know I enjoy having a go in the kitchen. Especially with sweet dishes. However, for the last few months we have been really lazy with our cooking and eating habits. The slightest thing to come up and it's , "Oh let's just do lazy pasta," which is pasta, pesto, spinach, cheese, hot sauce, and Quorn mince. It is something I lived on when I was on my own in the flat. Quick, easy, very little sustenance so if you had more than a single portion it was ok. When I moved in with Human*, we did really well to not have that every night and for a while I was even meal planning. But with the move and the new job, it just became all too easy to be lazy. Plus, with how small our kitchen is now, the slightest bit of washing up on the side and there is just no room to cook. Honestly, my excuses go on for days and I seriously feel like a broken record. Don't have the spoons/time/energy/kitchen space... However, and this is a sparkly "however", Carole recently s...