Shark Experts - Lemon Sharks

I have made a decision with Shark Experts. I am going to give my experts a shark to research and look up, it's up to them how they present the information. So without further waffle, here is what my favourite Shark Experts have to say about Lemon Sharks! From Addy: ✦Lemon Sharks have two dorsal fins of equal size on their back. ✦Lemon Sharks rarely attack humans. Only 10 attacks have been reported and none of them were fatal. ✦Lemon Sharks are mainly active during dusk and dawn. ✦Lemon Sharks spend their days sitting on the ocean floor whilst fish remove parasites from their skin. ✦Lemon Sharks are solitary but can occasionally be found in groups of up to 20 members. This provides safety against predators. ✦Female Lemon Sharks' pregnancy lasts 10-12 months and ends with 4-13 babies. ✦Lemon Sharks can survive up to 27 years in the wild. ✦Lemon Sharks are found from New Jersey to southern Brazil in the western of the Atlantic Ocean. ✦Lemon Sharks sometimes feed on t...