Final Friday Top Five!

With it being less than a week until Hallowe'en, I thought I'd give you my top five... Spooky Fish! 5. Blob Fish Picture from Earth Touch News Blob fish just look so strange! They look like sad, sentient jelly. They do look a little more normal in their natural habitat, 2,800m (9,200ft) below the surface. The reason they look so blobby at the surface is because their bodies are built for high pressure living. The have developed gelatinous bodies to withstand the pressure as well as a buoyancy aid. If they used regular buoyancy techniques of other fish, they would run the risk of vomiting out an organ or two whenever they experienced a change in pressure. Isn't nature amazing? Still, I think it would scare the bejeezus out of me if someone wanted to spook me with a blob fish! 4. Giant Squid Picture from The Independent Giant Squid are spooky because we have known about them for a really long time, but they have only recently been caugh...