2020 Goals

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you've all had a great Christmas and New Year. Now the season for indulgence is done, it is time to turn our attention to what we want from the new year.

It occurs to me that January is actually a really difficult time to change habits. It's dark, it's cold, and there isn't the silver lining of "at least it's Christmas" to get you through. So rather than the traditional New Year's Resolutions, I am giving myself 2020 Goals to work on throughout the year. It seems like a better plan than religiously sticking to an ideal for two weeks then reverting to old ways.

My goals for 2020 are:

  • Remove more plastic from my weekly shop;
  • Replace my plastic razor with a more environmental alternative;
  • Try more new recipes;
  • Go on lots of adventures;
  • Try new things;
  • Be happy and healthy.

Mermaid power!

I'm going to work on implementing my goals over the next couple of months and not berate myself for not achieving them straight away. Like I said, January is hard enough. I am trying to make good lifetime habits, not quick changes. That is one of the main problems with New Years Resolutions, you slip up slightly and feel like you've failed completely. I am not here for that mentality.

2020 is all about being kind to yourself. I think that has been one of my biggest pitfalls this year past. It is far too easy to see how you're failing and focusing on the negative. For my 2020 goals to work, I need to be kinder to myself when I do slip up. Because I will. I am a human. And one with pretty terrible mental health at the moment. And it won't get better until I accept that I am human. Well, one that wishes she was a mermaid!

2020 is also going to be about adventures. Saying yes to new experiences. Trying new recipes. Discovering new bands. Playing new games. Diving new waters. Exploring new places. Having a go at new activities. So less "New Year, New Me" and more "New Year, New Experiences".

For me, 2020 is all about making good habits and understanding that is a slow process while having some fun along the way. Let's start the decade right!

What are your 2020 goals?

Listening to: The Great British Breakfast


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