Final Friday Top Five

Final Friday Top Five Villains 5. Ursula Naturally, Ursula had to make this list. She is a badass sea witch with an awesome villain song. She's dramatic, body proud, and not afraid to be herself. And like every good villain, she is just charming (and seductive!) enough to lure our unsuspecting heroes in. Villains for the sake of villains fall a little flat, but a good villain is endlessly fascinating. If Disney wanted to do a live action treatment for Ursula like they did Maleficent, I would very much be behind that! 4. Norman/Norma Bates I blame Norman Bates for my fascination with serial killers in movies. Between him and another on this list, I went through a phase of loving serial killer films. Anthony Perkins plays Norman Bates (in the 1960 film, not the TV series) with an endearing awkwardness which is often left to the "geek guy who is really nice and secretly hot" character. He is a complex character with more meat to him that merely someone obsessed with killin...