Final Friday Top Five

5. Neverwinter If you have spoken to me within the last year, there is no doubt that I will have mentioned Neverwinter. I have sunk many an hour of my life onto this game and I love it. Since reaching level 80 is has gotten a little more repetitive than before, but then again the game hasn't just stopped now that I am a hero of Neverwinter. There are seasonal events, replayable missions, and additional campaigns for me to play. Lots of things to hit and shinys to find. It does keep me quiet for an hour or two. If anyone plays and sees a Barbarian named Kestrel about, that's me! 4. Balder's Gate This is a game which I have been playing since I was a teenager and recently rediscovered with my partner. We like to have games we play together and RPGs work great for us. Balder's Gate: Dark Aliance and Balder's Gate: Dark Aliance II are two games which we have completed together (as well as a load of Lego games!) We like games which are a nice balance of sto...