Creeping out of Hibernation

Hello Everyone!

How are we all? I hope Lockdown 3 was bearable for you. I have been very busy settling in at work, decorating the house, and just generally adjusting to life. As decorating seems to have ground to a halt and the fella's busier than every with his work, I feel like I have five minutes to breathe and actually get on with some blogging.

Banner made of polaroids featuring nature and Landlocked Mermaid Salop

What do We Have on the Horizon?

Well, firstly, #30DaysWild is fast approaching! Drop any comments below if you have some good ideas for random acts of wildness. It is my intention to draw up a list of ideas so I don't just do "lunch time walk with the doggo". Note to self: must install Word on shiny new computer. Secondly, I have not been idle in my time away. I have compiled me a nice spreadsheet of ideas and plans moving forward with this blog. But again, need to install Microsoft Office! It's all well and good having an Excel spreadsheet, but entirely useless if I cannot access it!

Some segments will be returning, others will be merging, and if I recall there might even be a new one! Obviously, it would not be Landlocked Mermaid Salop without Marine Creature of the Month and venturing into my kitchen. I have been really lacking with my baking recently - so much to do and not enough time to do it in. Am I officially an adult? Well, this next sentence may prove otherwise. Lidl had llama and cactus silicone moulds a while back and you can bet good money on the fact I bought them. I tested them by making the fella brownies for his birthday cake, and they turned out awesome!

Basically, expect any and all future baking to be llama/cactus shaped. Or bunny shaped. Carole rather kindly donated some bunny moulds which we taking up space and not being used. I do have every intention of making chocolate bunnies. Maybe even cheesecake bunnies... Would that work?

Anything Else?

Probably, but who knows. I need to sort out a schedule, but fingers crossed I will be starting to appear more regularly again. In the mean time, say hello, share wild ideas, and just be your wonderful selves!

Banner featuring the text See You Soon on an ocean backdrop

Listening to: Disney Lofi


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