Mermaid Music

Is this an idea pinched from Carole? Yes, yes it is. Do I care? Yes, please be ok with this Carole! Anyway, just going to share some of the songs I am loving right now. There will be YouTube videos, waffles, and a playlist at the bottom. Over time, hopefully it will grow and be a real banger! I love discovering new music, so if you have any bops for me to listen to, drop them comments! Hypnodancer - Little Big I call this, starting strong. Hypnodancer is by Russian band Little Big who are, well very unique. Their music is equal parts amazing, baffling, and downright crazy. I cannot recommend them enough. Fair warning, some of their stuff is very weird and NSFW, but there are also some true gems amongst the madness. Hypnodancer being one of them. This song will make it onto every party/exercise/happy song playlist I make from now on. It is a bop, and I won't hear otherwise. Warriors - Edda Hayes (League of Legends) My boss introduced me to this song when we had a particularly di...