Earth Day, Part Two: The Plan

April 22nd. It's fast approaching. In my research for what I can do I found a number of organisations which have scheduled beach cleans. Fantastic news! Between Surfers Against Sweage, The National Trust, The Marine Conservation Society and 2 Minute Beach Clean I could find an event near me on the 22nd.


Most of them are happening today. Or a couple weeks ago. Or not until September. Just my luck. I mentioned I was a landlocked mermaid, right?

But, there are alternatives.

Surfers Against Sewage offer a step-by-step guide to hosting your own beach clean, including all the legal stuff and who to contact for permission. Now, I realised I have left this a little late. To make all the necesary arrangements and drum up enough people to come, it would take more than a week. But it is something I definitely want to do; it'd be a great learning experience and a great way to do something for the environment.

So what can I do now? What can I do in a week?

I can still do my own beach clean.

Both 2 Minute Beach Clean and Surfers Against Sewage have hastag campaigns for independent beach cleans, #MiniBeachClean and #2minutebeachclean, which they encourage you to do when you have the spare time. And of course to share your efforts online. 2 Minute Beach Clean even have an app where you can track what you pick up.

The App available on Andriod. Photo from

So that is my plan. I am going to stick to my guns and do what I originally planned. I am going to do a #MiniBeachClean of my own.

The Plan

The Beach: Colwyn Bay
Why: I have visited a few of the beaches on the North Welsh coast before. It is a lovely area and the closest coastline to me. Plus, it's a popular tourist destination so there should be plenty of stuff to pick up!

The Action: A pair of gloves, bin bags and my social media.
What: So in part one I said, "Why not take a bin bag and a few friends?" My sister pointed out that bin bags are plastic and bad for the environment. What I meant by that phrase was that a jar was small and I wanted to something bigger. One website suggested a wheelbarrow. Everything I put into those bags that can be will be recycled. Anything that I can't recycle at home I will take to the recycling centre in Whitchurch. I'll try my best to not let it go back into the ocean. And I'll keep picking up what does.

And I am going to make a day of it. I'm going to take a picnic and my swimming costume (for if I feel brave enough). I have also recently learned that wellies are the best shoe for the beach. Who knew?!

Me in my wellies at Millom, Lake District

So there we have it. The plan. Keep an eye on my Instagram on April 22nd - @landlockedmermaidsalop - to see our efforts, and I shall blog about it afterwards.


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