Ennui and Off-ui

Ok, so this week I have been feeling a litttle off. I've had inexplicable blues which have left me feeling lethargic and unmotivated. This post was supposed to be about straws but the mental plan I had going was basically just me ranting. And that's not what this blog is about, although I seem to do it a lot. So that wasn't helping the ennui. (Yes, I am referencing Gilmore Girls.)

But then something cropped up in my news feed the other day which cheered me right up.

A couple years ago, I remember there being a story about a young lad who'd made it his life goal to clean up the ocean. He'd invented a contraption which would remove the big pieces from the sea all by itself. I remember being impressed but didn't think much more of it at the time.

Then this video appeared:

It's the same project I saw a few years ago and it is nearly ready to roll out. It's called The Ocean Cleanup. Talk about a cure for my ennui! I get so wrapped up in seeing how little the masses are doing that I forget to look at how much some individuals are doing. This project has gone from an idea one kid had while diving on holiday to a massive, crowd funded organisation. Years of research and development have gone into making this whole project viable, and I am so happy it is.

I am impressed by just how much they are hoping to remove from the sea as well. It is incredible. There is hope for the future yet!

We should still be doing all we can to reduce our plastic use. We cannot let it this bad again.

This is definitely a story I will be following as it develops. Just under a month until the first launch - exciting times!


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