Reducing Plastic: Shampoo Bars
So, in case you missed it, I am consciously trying to reduce my plastic consumption. The easiest way to do this, for me, has been switching to shampoo bars. So I thought I'd tell you a little about my journey to the shampoo bar which suits me best in the hopes that you might try some too.
My hair is actually one of the few vanities I have in my life. I love to dress up for a night out or Hallowe'en, but most days I am make-up free and wearing whatever I find first in my draws. My straw realated Instagram from the other day is an indicator of how little I care about clashing patterns. But my hair? I love my hair. It is my glorious ginger waterfall. It's long. It's curly. It's (unnaturally) ginger. One of my few extravegances of the year is to get it dyed at the expensive salon in town. Although my roots are begging for me to go again. And the heat is making me want to chop half of it off, which I know is a mistake - it just goes boofy.
But anyway, I digress. I could waste hundreds of words on how much I love my hair (and on how difficult it can be).
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My ginger waterfall |
Getting rid of the shampoo and conditioner bottles has massively reduced my plastic consumption. I could get through them in a couple weeks because of how much hair I have. I would squeeze a huge dollop of shampoo onto my hand because I thought I had to, too little and it wouldn't clean my hair properly. Naturally, the conditioner dollops were just as big, if only to make them run out at the same time. (Something I rarely achieved.)
Let me tell you, shampoo bars last much longer. I can get more bubbles than I had before and the bar has barely shrunk.
It has taken a few tries to find the right one for me though.
I started with one from Lush, as I know the brand and thought I had a shop relatively local to me. (Turns out the Telford branch closed!) I got a shampoo and a conditioner bar. It was a little expensive, but I was willing to give it a go. Naturally, they smelled amazing. The shampoo bar worked pretty well but the conditioner either didn't touch my hair or touched it too much and made it slimey! It also didn't take too long for the shampoo to disintergrate into small, un-usable pieces. On the plus side, they travel well! They went to Italy and back with me; and would probably be alright in hand luggage as they are solid bars. Still, I did not test this, we had checked luggage and needed the space in my carry on for sweets. What of it? As much as I love a Lush bathbomb, I won't be buying their shampoo bars again. Not to mention the whole campaign scandal.
One good thing that came from trying these products though, is that they've inspired me to do some DIY. I have to use leave in conditioner spray on my hair anyway. Without it, my hair is impossible to brush. So I am going to for-go buying conditioner and make my own spray. I've found a couple recipes and once the one I have has run out I shall be giving that a go. Watch this space, I will blog about it.
But overall, not fantastic.
So to the internet I went. I wanted to support an independent shop and I was recommneded one. However, I found the prices of their bars were unjustifiable once postage and packaging was added. So I went onto Amazon, to see if I was being unreasonable. I wasn't. I hope one day I will have enough dispoable income to support all the independent shops, but for now I must rely on the cheaper option.
I found three bars which I liked the look of, and bulked up my order with the shark related bling you've seen cropping up on my Instagram.
First to arrive was the Coconut & Lemon conditioning shampoo bar from the Alphy & Becs shop. The great thing about getting soapy products in the mail is that they smell great. This was no exception. Unfortunately, the smell is the best thing about this bar. For me. I stress, for me. It may work brilliantly for others. But I struggled to get it to foam and was less than convinced about its conditioning qualities. Still, I have difficult hair, so it may just be me. The Alphy & Becs shop has some other nice looking products which I am tempted to try, it's just a shame the shampoo doesn't work. Still, I will repurpose the bar. It will work somewhere!
Next to arrive was the Organic Seaweed Shampoo and Conditioner Bar from possibly cocohot. Or Lucktar. It is not clear like it was for the last one. This shampoo ticked all the boxes for me. It smells great, foams great, and left my hair feeling clean and refreshed. And it came in its own little tin! I went for the seaweed flavour because, well, I am a mermaid after all; but it comes in eleven different ones so I will be working my way through them. They can also be bought in combinations of flavours or bulk in one, which is even better. (Yes, I keep saying "flavour" as if I'm going to eat it. I'm not. I just can't think of a better word.)
The last to arrive was the Handmade Mint Shampoo Bar from ROMANTIC BEAR. The smell when I opened this package was incredible. I could not keep my nose off it. And much like the last one it fufilled all my requirements for my shampoo needs. And it too comes in a variety of flavours. When I bought these, this shampoo was about £1.40 dearer than the last but the prices on both of them seem to have changed. Plus, they were both under a fiver and have already lasted longer than the bottled stuff so the £1.40 seem inconsequential. I will be buying both of these again.
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My shampoo bars |
I am very happy with switching out bottles for bars. There is less stuff cluttering our windowsil, less plastic in my recycling, and lots for me to try! I am even saving the little unusuable bits so I can smush them all together, making them last that little bit longer. I am excited to try DIYing!
Next switch in my bathroom? Shower gel.
Once I've used up all the bottles I've amassed over many Christmases.
As always, I am still learning here and hoping to help others make the switch. It's all about them #positivewaves. Let me know what you're trying!
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