My partner and I like to have sweet treats in the house. Because we don't buy them from the store anymore (other than the occasional comfort food fueled need), I tend to make things which are quick, easy, and adaptable. Cookies are a firm favourite of mine, as we know from previous posts . I love a good bit of cake, but only every now and then. Cake is not an everyday snack, in my eyes, but cookies are. So I took to the internet to find a good cookie recipe. I found this one from My initial cookie desire was to make Ginger Crunch Creams - try and curb a craving, avoid buying the real thing and whatnot. The original recipe was for chocolate chip cookies, but I just didn't include them and poured in the ginger. (Thankfully, not three tablespoons this time!) This recipe also says to include an egg as the dough is forming but when it came to adding it, I felt it wasn't necessary. The dough was forming nicely enough and it meant this recipe was now vegan! ...