Final Friday Top Five: Shark B-Movies

Final Friday Top Five! Shark B-Movies 5. Sharktopus Vs Pteracuda (2014) Photo from Wikipedia First of all, this film stars Robert Carradine , aka Lizzie McGuire 's dad. So, immediately, this film was in my good books. I grew up watching the Disney Channel. I have also watched the original Sharktopus and thought this was a fun direction to take the franchise in. It was silly, it was stupid; but it was everything I was expecting it to be, plus Lizzie McGuire's dad. 4. Frenzy (2018) Photo from IMDb This film was diabolically dumb. Literally, every choice these characters make is dumb. But it was fun dumb. I enjoyed calling all the "twists" and we even got one wrong! As the film is about adventure-shy Lindsey finding her inner badass, I felt like I could almost relate to her. But then she'd do something very dumb and that feeling would go. Still, it had a glorious back drop and more than one shark. Though, I have to ask. Does...