Sharks @ 7 & 3/4 Episode 7: Birthday Cake

So yesterday was my Birthday. I am a whole 28 years old. I had a lovely day, chilling out and not doing very much. Eating all the cakes - pancakes, vanilla cake, and shark cake. You read that right, shark cake!

As decided last time on Sharks @ 7 & 3/4, the kids were going to make me a birthday cake. And make it shark themed. Because, well, just look at who they are making it for. This crazy old shark lady.

So I gave them my flip about a week ago and let them loose in my mother's kitchen. With her permission and supervision, of course. Here is how they got on!

The cake was delicious. This mermaid enjoyed it very much.

(Also, Mumma said my fringe looks like a wave in the last photo!)

Listening to: The sweet sounds of video editing. Urrrhhh--Krrrkk!


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