Marine Creature of the Month July '19

This #MCotM is going to be a little different as I am still not quite 100%. As much as I would love to do an in depth study of this month's creature, I just don't have the brain power for it. But I can squeeze out 10 fun facts for you. So enough about how crappy I am, here is the creature for July...

Mantis Shrimp

Photo from Fact Animal

Fun Facts 
  1. Mantis shrimp are colourful little things. Their colours include blues, greens, reds, and oranges.
  2. They are usually between 5-17cm (2-7 inches) long, though some species can be larger.
  3. Mantis shrimp have incredible eyesight and the ability to move each eye independently.
  4. They can also see in ultraviolet and polarised light.
  5. They attack foes and prey 50 times quicker than the blink of an eye.
  6. Their punch packs the power of a .22 calibur bullet.
  7. Mantis shrimp are either Spearers or Smashers.
  8. Spearers have spiny appendages for stabbing prey or foes.
  9. Meanwhile, Smashers have club-like appendages for smashing prey and foe alike.
  10. They are solitary and territorial creatures.

This little video from Nat Geo Wild sums them up nicely.


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