PSA: Staying Sane in the Membrane.

With more cases of COVID-19 cropping up over the UK and people self isolating, it's looking more likely that we'll go the way of Italy and lockdown. It's daunting and I am not ashamed to admit the coming months scare me. As we slowly shut down, what is the likelihood someone will hire me? Who do I know and love will come down with the virus? Will I get it? Who will it take from me? How difficult is it all going to get?


These questions take up far too space in my head. And I have very little control over them or their outcome. So I really shouldn't waste my brain power on them and concentrate on the things which are in my power.

For a lot of people, the idea of working from home and staying indoors feels like a surefire way to descend into lethargy, depression, and the days blurring into one. This is not really much of a change for me - I have been unemployed for six months now. So I am going to be a friendly neighbourhood mermaid, and share my tips on staying sane in the membrane! And I am not the only one, Veronica Dearly has shared one, as have many more instagram accounts, like Positively Present and I Weigh.

  • Keep a Routine!
If you do only one thing from this list, do this one! I cannot stress the importance of a routine. Constant media updates of coronavirus can trigger the coronanxiety and it's only too easy to fall down the rabbit hole. I know. Having a routine will give your day some structure, a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and keep a sense of normalcy in your day.
My routine is:
* Walk the dog/Run
* Breakfast and coffee
* Bullet Journal
* Work on job applications
* Lunch
* Walk the dog
* Second coffee (very important)
* Finish job applications
* 30 mins piano/guitar practise (practice?)
* Wash up and clean kitchen
* Cook dinner
* Eat dinner and relax - more on this later
* Yoga
* Read
* Consistent bedtime (I'm an old lady, I go to bed at 10pm!)

There is a degree of flexibility to my routine. I choose between guitar or piano, obviously I will shower some days, and there are some errands which take precedent over certain points. And my evenings do vary a lot. But like I said, a routine will help keep the days feeling as normal as they can.
Keeping a routine is also doing things like: showering, getting dressed, brushing your hair, three square meals, housework, laundry. Honestly, I cannot stress this enough: normal is good. All the little things that you don't even think of but do every day are the cornerstone to your routine and are what's going to hold it together. Want to know how I know this? My routine falls apart when I don't get out of bed. That leads to not brushing my teeth, to not eating, to not speaking to anyone, and to mindlessly playing Candy Crush. There is a degree of withdrawing which is my go-to on crappy days, but it has led to a pattern of doing this for weeks at a time. There is a reason why my posts were so scatty last year. Keep doing the little things.
It's all too easy to slob about and binge Netflix all day, so...

  • Make a To-Do List!
Make note of everything you need to get done that day and feel satisfied you've completed a hard day's work. There are many ways to do this. I like to write out my list. We all know I have hundreds of pens and notebooks, so any excuse to use them! But there are other options. In the past I have used Habitica where you turn your to-do list into an adventure. As you gain experience by ticking off your list, you level up and hatch pets! Who doesn't want to raise an 8-bit panda with their productivity?! A quick google of "to do list apps" and it comes up with lots of options to explore! So find something that works for you. Best tip for a to-do list? Put easy things or stuff you have already done on there to help boost your sense of accomplishment.

  • Make Time for Exercise!
Exercise is important, at the best of time. It is especially more so now. Exercise boosts endorphins, keeps you healthy, and honestly is an excuse to get outside. Whether it's just a walk or something more hardcore, do some exercise. I like to run, cycle, and do yoga. Part of my bedtime routine is doing at least fifteen minutes of yoga. When we go for a run, I try to always do some yoga afterwards partly because I have very tight muscles and partly because it is a nice cool down. (See my personal insta for my inspired yoga idea!)
I find it helps me to feel in control. It starts my day off right. I am lucky having a running buddy who lives with me but you don't have to depend on someone else to move your body. Even if you just dance while you cook, another favourite of mine. I get the feeling a lot of WiiFits are going to be dug out of the cupboard in the coming weeks!
  • Add Some Texture to Your Week!
By this I mean giving yourself something fun to do on each day or evening. I'm struggling with how to word this without just listing it all, so... list! 
Monday night: Game of Thrones Date Night! We are rewatching GoT one Monday at a time in honour of when we originally watched it. We usually cook something awesome to go with it. Cheesy chips, loaded hot dogs, homemade pizza. It's a little luxury and something I share with my partner. Quality time is important (but more on that later).
Tuesday night: Game Night! This started out as a social outing with a good group of friends. Every two weeks we'd meet in the pub and play board games or Dungeons and Dragons. Before, on our off weeks I would play video games with my man. With social gatherings being cancelled we now gather online and play DnD via Discord!
Wednesday night: Blog Day! Wednesday is when I write my posts for the following week. It helps me to keep up to date and in advance. Also, I love having a dedicated time to be creative. I love writing and busy lives don't always allow time for it. So having a set day where I definitely am going to get some done is a real motivator for those less than pleasant tasks. (I'm looking at you, cover letters!)
Saturday night: Me Time! My partner visits his dad on a Saturday evening, so I get the house to myself. I make myself an indulgent (read: dirty) dinner, pour myself a glass of something yummy, and watch TV/play Sims/Final Fantasy - whatever takes my mood! Best bit: cuddles with the doogo. 

I don't have a religious "texture" for every day, but there are some evening activities which are revisited often. Get your mind out of the gutter, I mean Playstation with my partner or playing board games. Sometimes we just binge Netflix - the urge needs satisfying sometimes. (Currently five episodes deep into I'm Not Okay With This.)

  • Stay Hydrated!
Keep drinking water as well as all those coffees. Your body needs H2O as well as go faster juice.

  • Keep Track of How You're Feeling!
Since starting a bullet journal I have come to rely on it as a way of making sense of everything. In it I have mood trackers, piano trackers, monthly calendars and planners, and all sorts of things to motivate me and keep an eye on how I'm feeling. That last bit has been especially helpful with my mental health. I feel like everyone's mental health is going to suffer in the coming months so keeping on top of things is going to be vitally important. Even just the simplest thing like recording one good thought from the day will give you something good to look back on in these trying times.
But if bullet journalling is a bit much or not your jam, Wilkos sells these really cute mindfulness journals - I know, I got two for my birthday! It's become part of my bedtime routine, reflecting on my day and getting my brain ready for the next day. It's almost like yoga for my brain! I'm sure there are many more versions available out there. You don't even need a book. Get an empty coffee jar and fill it with happy thoughts for the day. They are there, ready to look back on when you are.

  • Reach Out!
Lack of social contact can make you go stir crazy. Or constant contact with the same person can drive you up the wall. There are definitely some days where I notice that my partner and I bicker more than usual. We've not got to full blown arguments with one of us sleeping on the sofa and I do think that it largely down to each of us having a "working day". (And I just love him so gosh darn much.)
Now, I bet you're thinking, "But social gatherings have been cancelled by the government!!" The internet hasn't. We live in a fantastic age of digital connection! Social distancing does not need to kill quality time with people. As I have already mentioned, my DnD sessions have moved online to Discord where we have a voice chat open and chaos ensues. No different than usual except I can lounge in my PJs and no one will know. (Except for the fact I will definitely tell them.) We have multiple platforms for messaging and video chatting - we do not need to suffer alone. I have already put out a post on Instagram saying I am here if you need to talk about anything at all. I am reiterating this and am going to put all means of contact with me at the end of this post.
Going from casual conversations with co-workers to sitting by yourself in silence (or with tunes, however you work) is a drastic change. Social media can be very distracting when trying to get on and do, but sometimes you just need to see a silly message from a friend to brighten your mood. (Carole, I very much appreciate all the funny dog videos you send me!)

This list is not exhaustive and not all things will work for everyone. These have just been my tactics over the last few months. Clearly, I was training for a nationwide quarantine! If you can think of anything I have missed please let me know and I will add them to this list. I will share this post to Facebook and pin it, so it is easy to find.

Now, if you want to talk I am here. Distraction from coronanxiety, done. Discussing fears and feelings, gotcha. Catch up because we haven't spoken since we were like fifteen, hell yeah! Whatever. I am your mermaid. 

You can reach me at...
FACEBOOK: Personal or Mermaid 
DISCORD: my handle is BobbetyBobbet
POKEMON GO: My trainer number is 1319 9361 0733
TWITTER: @MermaidSalop
Or you could just comment down below!

Let's keep talking. Coronanxiety will not get us down.

And now for a cute puppy.


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