Mermaid Craft: Bunting

'Tis the season for distraction, falalalalalalala. I am terrible for hoarding cards: birthday, Christmas, thank you - whatever the occasion, I will hoard it. I am loathe to throw them away (read: recycle them) because someone has gone to the effort of sending it to me and they are so often very pretty. So what can I do with them? Other than just hide them in various places to find in a couple years time and wonder how they got there.

Someone actually offered me the solution ages ago. I shared a post about Christmas crafts in 2018 to Facebook and asked if anyone had any other Christmas crafts. The answer: make bunting out of cards. So, thank you Sharon Garforth!

This was lovely and easy to do, therefore will be repeated for years to come. I am even tempted to make some out of my birthday cards too, if I ever find the stash from previous years. I know they are somewhere!


  • Old cards
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch
  • Pen
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • String

Some of the things you will need.

  1. Gather all your old cards - Christmas, birthday, thank you, postcard, whatever.
  2. Pick one and cut the card down the seam. Keep the back half for now, but our main focus is going to the front.
  3. Flip it over, so you are working on the blank side of the card. Grab your ruler and measure the bottom edge to mark the centre. This is important - make sure it is the bottom edge, otherwise your bunting will be upside down!
  4. Draw a faint line from the centre mark to the top corners. This makes your triangle. 
  5. Cut it out. If you so desire, note on the back of the triangle who the card was from and which year.
  6. Move your triangle to one side and your scrap to another very separate pile. You can chose to keep the discarded half of card, if you think there'll be a use for it. Otherwise, it is scrap too.
  7. Repeat steps 2 - 6 until you have run out of cards.
  8. Hole punch the top corners on all your triangles.
  9. Lay them out in the order you would like them to appear on the string. 
  10. Get your string and pull out a length. Do not cut it yet - you don't know how much you're going to need!
  11. Now it's time to thread your triangles.You'll want the string to go behind the card, so thread towards the reverse of the card and loop it back out through the other hole. 
  12. Keep going until all your triangles are on the string. Still don't cut it yet!
  13. Get them spaced out in a way that is pleasing to you. This takes a little time and will require moving the first triangles multiple times. But hang in there, you will get it the way you want it.
  14. When it comes to cutting your string, leave a big excess. That way you'll have plenty of leeway when you come to hang it at Christmas time. 
  15. And you're done! All you have to do it wait (counts) nine months to hang it!
Cards ready to be bunting-ed.

Tools necessary for triangling.

Ta-da! One cute Christmas triangle.

Punch them holes.

Thread behind and out.

All tidy and ready for Christmas

What do you think? I'm really happy with how mine turned out. I'm looking forward to hanging it come Christmas time. I do love a good simple craft and I think it'll be nice to look at it in the coming years and have a good nostalgia session. 


It's Landlocked Mermaid Salop's third birthday! Normally around now I would be starting to think about my Earth Day celebrations, but with the lockdown I'm not sure what I'll be able to do. But I invite you to have a mermaid-y day today. Get crafty, post it to Insta, and tag me in it! @landlockedmermaidsalop

I am going to have some stickery fun, courtesy of Carole.

Tag me in your crafts!

What Christmas crafts do you like to do? Do you have any other suggestions? What craft would you like to see me do next? Lemme know below!

Also, I am now on Twitter! Follow me @MermaidSalop

Listening to: Daily Lift


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