The week I got my new job, I also backed my very first Kickstarter. As a game where you take fish meeples and make aquariums, well I wasn't not going to back it. A couple weeks ago, it arrived! Now, I am going to share this beautiful game with you. Aqua Garden by uchibacoya The aim of the game is to create the best aquarium in town, using the available resources. It plays up to four, in addition to having a solo mode. (Always love a game with solo modes, because Human doesn't always want to play with me.) Over the course of three or four rounds, depending on how many players there are, you gather fish from the market or sea board and place them into your aquarium. At the end of the game these fish are worth different amounts of points which you tot up. Whoever has the most points, has the best aquarium. Winner, winner! There are more ways of gaining points, too. Placed by the central board, are four goal cards. If any one of your tanks meets the conditions set out on the goal...