I Guess I Should Talk About Work


Banner saying "I Guess I Should Talk About Work" with a polaroid featuring a laptop and coffee

I have nearly been at my job for a year now and I have yet to aimlessly ramble about it in a dedicated post. How rude of me. My official job title is Digital Content Copywriter, and I work for Overclockers UK. We sell some pretty hench gaming computers, hardware, and all the shiny things do with PCs. Learning all the bits and pieces was very brain consuming, as you may have noticed with my silence earlier in the year. I simply did not have enough brain left at the end of the day!

Basically, what I do is write the product descriptions for the items we sell, detailing their unique features, what makes them good, and how they work. I do this for existing products pages which need a breath of new life in them - important SEO and keyword stuff, I assure you. I also get to write a lot of the content for new products dropping, which can be pretty nerve wracking but always hella exciting. Over the last six months or so, my role has developed to include writing regular blog articles and producing content for category pages, too!

It will never not be surreal seeing my name on the byline. We have customers all over the world and they read the stuff I waffle on about. Ok, so it's mostly keyboards and gaming chairs, therefore directed waffle, but it is largely waffle nonetheless. Point in case, I use the word "waffle" on my plans to indicate the sections which will be written content which made my boss laugh when I accidentally left one in. Literal waffle. (I can also see the notes he would be leaving on this and it would be flagging the excessive use of the word "waffle.") Damnit, now I want waffles...

This is the first job I have ever had where I don't have to deal with customers directly and I cannot express just how much I love that. I get loads of customer service horror stories crop up on my TikTok for you page, and I can honestly say that I do not miss it. Do I miss having a more active job? Sure, maybe. Can I fix that by actually getting out of bed in the morning to squeeze half an hour of Just Dance in? You would think. Point is, I love my job.

Some launches and projects are more stressful than others, as with any job. But come 5:30pm, I am done There's no residual, stress-induced heartburn. There's no dreading going into work in the morning. There's no hoping to all the powers that be that one particular person is not working today. My immediate team are great, the extended marketing team are also a lovely bunch, and I get to interact with them all in the best way possible. Over chat messegers.

Maybe it's because I haven't been doing it since March 2020, but I love working from home. I wrap myself up in a duvet, blast my FF9 Feels playlist, and just crack on. Upon some self-reflection, I have come to realise that I can't concentrate properly if there are more than two clashing sounds I can hear - ie two different sets of conversations. My brain can't cope and just checks out. It happens a lot when I am in a room full of people. As soon as I realise I am sat between two conversations I cannot engage in either. It's made worse if there is a TV involved - I just look at the moving pictures. So yeah, working in from our study/game room/Victorian smoking room suits me to a tee.

Which reminds me, maybe I should do a tour of the house post soon. Especially now we've got proper curtains hung up and all of the decorated rooms pretty much done now. That's not to say the whole house is done, just the rooms which we have decorated are done now.

Anyway, I have got off track and wafffled enough for one post. If anyone wants to talk keyboards and gaming chairs, I am apparently an expert now.

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