Final Friday Top Five!

Top Five Water Pokémon

So this month's is just a little bit of fun. I've been playing a lot of FireRed and I have Pokémon on the brain, a little bit. I always liked the water- and electric-type ones best, so I thought I'd figure out my top five. Without further ado:

5. Magikarp

Now, I hear your cries: Why not Gyarados? Well, I had to copy paste the spelling of it for one. And well, Gyarados is the one everyone likes. Yes, it is badass but I just prefer Magikarp. Magikarp is my spirit animal. Spirit Pokémon? Anyway, it's this useless little fish which has the potential to be a major badass with love and encouragement. Something I think if true of all people, not just me. I just also feel like a flailing fish a lot of the time too!

4. Slowking

"I could use pants."

Best line from Pokémon 2000. There is a literal YouTube video to back me up.

3. Totodile

Totodile is on this list for family reasons. Firstly, the noise he makes in the anime sounds an awful lot like my Grandad's impression of Donald Duck - so from the off he made me laugh. The other reason I like Totodile is because he and his line is one of Dylan's favourites. On Pokémon Go, my Feraligatr is named Dylan. Addy chose a Pichu for her name.

2. Psyduck

So apparently my favourite type isn't just water, it's useless too! What can I say? Psyduck is the best. A comedic staple of the anime, I have always adored this dumb, yellow duck. It always brings me joy catching them, whether on the DS or on Pokémon Go. During the height of my personal Pokémania, I got a bundle of Poké-goodies for a birthday. This included a Psyduck ball, thing. I never did figure out what it was or what it's purpose was, but if you hit it it made noises. Ash yelled, "Gotta catch 'em all!", Psyduck said, "psyduck!", and it did this catchy little tune which bore no reference to anyting Pokémon as far as I can tell. Guess where I kept this badboy.


In my handbag.

Everytime I dropped it, or walked into something, my bag would yell, "Psyduck!" Pretty funny when you're sixteen and pretending to re-like Pokémon ironically when really you are still a fan but trying to seem cool. (I was never cool, I should have just leaned into it.)

Honourable Mentions

1. Squirtle Line

Ok, so I am cheating and I have all three as my number one, but I love me some turtles! Or tortoises. I'm not sure which one they are arguably closer to. I genuinely want tortoises but until I am brave enough to get them, Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise will have to do.

Squirtle is always my starter of choice. I am always Blastoise in Pokémon Monopoly (yes, that is a thing). And who didn't just love the Squirtle Squad from the anime? I was miffed when they did the wrong glasses on the Squirtle community day in Pokémon Go!

Squirtle is the best water Pokémon, and you can't convince me otherwise.

So there's my top five water Pokémon. In case you hadn't guessed, I am a bit of a Gen1er. Pokémon Go is helping me with that - loving Gen4 at the moment! And if any of you guys play, add me!

All images from Bulbapedia, apart from that last one.


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