Mermaid Beauty: Leave-In Conditioner Spray

In case you missed it, I love my hair. It is a mad curly mane, but it is my mad curly mane. Since ditching the traditional shampoo and conditioner bottles, I have been working out a haircare routine that is both good for my hair and my environment. For the most part, coconut oil and shampoo bars have been working for me. But sometimes it just needs that extra bit of TLC.
Relatively tame, post-shower mane.
When my hair was longer, I genuinely took twenty minutes to brush it. I'd get the knots out of the bottom but brush more into it when I tackled the top. To combat this, I invested in some leave-in conditioner spray. But my bottle ran out quite some time ago. I have been looking for one I can make myself, but a lot of recipes on google use gylcerin. I have no idea where to buy that from. So I took to my new favourite website.

You guessed it, Pinterest.

I found plenty of recipes which did not involve gylcerin, and more coconut based products. I decided to try this one from Mommypotamus, as it used coconut milk rather than oil. I felt like oil would leave my hair greasy as this sometimes happens when I don't properly wash out the coconut oil I already use. And, it looked pretty easy to make.


  • 1/4 cup distilled water (boiled for 5 minutes and cooled)
  • 1 tbsp coconut milk
  • 10 drops of essential oil*
*The recipe reccommends tea tree or rosemary oil, because they work well with hair. But if you know your oils then this can be changed for preference. I used tea tree, which by some miracle I found in Morrisons. It was in a very small box, with a smaller label on a bottom shelf - some serious eagle eyes work on my part.

Ready to be assembled.

  1. Whisk together.
  2. Decant into a 2oz spray bottle.
That is literally it. The most time consuming bit was distilling the water and waiting for it to cool.

Whisk it!

As my bottle was much bigger than 2oz, I opted to double up the recipe. This was also because I had no idea how much I would need to use! The doubled up mix filled about half of my bottle, so we'll see how long it takes me to get through that to see if I need to double the double. 


Yes. Yes, it does.

I made this yesterday, in preparation of the fact I needed a shower this morning. So I was extra wriggly last night, to firmly plant those knots into my hair and give it a thorough testing. My main worry with this product was that it would be heavy and leave a presence in my hair. I hate it when I use a product that leaves a residue which just leaves your hair feeling and looking dirty. 

This, however, has not. My hair is fluffy and with as much volume as it normally has. I call it "boofy". It very definitely helped me get the brush through my hair and I didn't have to use massive amounts. And I feel like it will still work if it's knottier and I have to use a little bit more. It's been left feeling soft too. As a hair twirler, I am happy with this.

Bonus? It. Smells. Amazing.

I'm glad I found the tea tree oil. I feel like rosemary oil might smell a little too much like dinner to be a hair product! Whereas I have used a lot of tea tree products in the past. 


Yes. I have plenty of coconut milk left. I am unlikely to use it in my cooking, so I have frozen it. That way, it is ready for me when I need to make some more. I have plenty of oil left too.

I do have a couple concerns left, however. I worry that it will separate, but shaking it should sort that out. My main worry is whether it will perish. It is made from a food product, after all, with an expirey date. Will it go mouldy inside the bottle? I don't know, but I will keep an eye on it.

For the most part, I am very happy with this product. Only time will tell if my worries come to fruition. I will keep you in the loop!

Are any of you going to try it? Want me to make you a batch? Know of any other good DIY hair products?

Listening to: Riverdale


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