Final Friday Top Five

All images made using Canva It's that time again when I lament about time passing and distract myself with lists. Have my top five bugs! As #30DaysWild is drawing to a close, it seems like an appropriate topic. 5. Shield Bugs Shield bugs are awesome. The are big which makes them easy to look at, but pretty chill which makes them less of a "creepy" crawly. The colours they come in are beautiful too, that bright green or autumnal brown. Plus, it appeals to my inner DnD/Fantasy nerd that they are named after and look like shields! 4. Ladybird Who doesn't like ladybirds? I remember as a kid being really excited to count the spots and figure out how old they were. One of those playground rumours which are utter nonsense. These bugs are iconic. There's Ladybird Books, Ladybird Books for Grown-ups, Francis the Ladybird in A Bug's Life , and so many more examples that it makes my brain crash trying to think of them! I was surprised to learn that I had no idea what bab...