Bruce and Chum's Marine Creature of the Month ~January 2022~

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It's time to see who my plushie sharks have befriended on their travels!

Fried Egg Jellyfish

  • Name: Fried Egg Jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata)
  • Location: Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Agean seas
  • Habitat: Deep basins and open waters
  • Diet: Gelatinous zooplankton and smaller jellyfish
  • Conservation Status: Not extinct (NE)
Bruce and Chum's thoughts on a Fried Egg Jellyfish

 Bruce thinks...

I wonder what it would be like with brown sauce...

Chum thinks...

What amazing colours! I wish I was that colourful.

Fried Egg Jellyfish

Ten Jelriffic Facts

  1. The Fried Egg Jellyfish is named for its distinctive bell that heavily resembles an egg!
  2. Alternatively, they are called Egg-Yolk Jellies.
  3. They use their numerous club-like appendages to trap their dinner, largely gelatinous zooplankton.
  4. Whilst Fried Egg Jellyfish can actively swim, they prefer to spend their time motionless. (Anyone else relating?)
  5. The bell top to this jelly can reach up to 35cm in diameter.
  6. Disney, get your notebooks out, sometimes small aquatic creatures will hitch a ride on top of or inside the Fried Egg Jelly's bell, away from their stingers. Crabs have been spotted doing this adorable ride share.
  7. These delicious looking jellies reproduce asexually, creating teeny tiny jellies called medusae.
  8. Much like the fried egg sandwich, these jellyfish are short lived. Researchers think their six month life span is an adaptation for living in their highly seasonal environment.
  9. Populations of the Fried Egg Jellyfish fluctuates, which can lead to massive swarms in the summer months spreading across the coast for several kilometres.
  10. We generally think of jellyfish having mean stings, but the Fried Egg Jelly's is rather mild and its tentacles can provide shelter to the small fish in the open ocean. Seriously Disney, this is your next underwater adventure right here!
Bonus fact! Whilst these jellyfish cannot harm people, people can harm them. Motor boats and fishing nets can cause severe damage to the Fried Egg Jellyfish.

Fried Egg Jellyfish

Final Say

Bruce: Honestly a fan of anything that looks like Human Food, 8/10

Chum: I would like to go on adventures with a Fried Egg Jelly, 10/10 would friend again

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