Ow. Ow. Ow.


Ow Ow Ow banner

I have taken the plunge and joined the gym. At university, I really enjoyed going as it gave me a dedicated two/three times a week where I did not have to think about assignments. Much needed respite in all. And it meant I could eat take-out pizza guilt-free. I convinced myself I was "calorie neutral". (I am well aware I was not, but I was 18 with a great metabolism.)

My goal this time is to exercise for my mental health. Two/three times a week where I am just working on me. Getting healthier, feeling stronger, and reaping any benefits that may sow. I am even aiming to cycle to and from the gym - it's not far and can only help benefit. However, if I do drive, I will not beat myself up about it. Sometimes I will need to, because that's just how life is.

So far I have been twice since I signed up last weekend, both on my designated gym days. Woot woot. The first session I mostly hogged the crosstrainer as it was the only machine I remembered how to use! Still, it felt great to be active and to get in the zone with my tunes. The second session was with the in-house trainer, going round the machines and showing me how to use them. I now have an arsenal of weight machines I can use, with the knowledge of which ones to avoid because of my dodgey hamstrings.

Having a human who knew what they were talking about go through each machines and where I was supposed to be feeling it was so useful. I feel much safer using the equipment now. And more confident to stray away from the cross trainer!

All in all, I am excited for my gym adventure. The ows mostly refer to the fact that my bike saddle hurts my butt. Can confirm, the heavier you are, the more they hurt! XD

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