My Go To To-Gos

At University, I used to drink a lot of coffee on the go. Between poor sleeping habits and deadlines, caffeine was a staple of my diet.  I would mostly use the paper cups. Occasionally, I would try to save myself some money and take fruit tea in my thermos but it terrible - it leaked both heat and liquid so my drink would be cold and/or gone before I even made it up the hill to Uni! I recall walking through the town centre with a mug of coffee on more than one occasion. I thought it made me quirky.

But thanks to a 180 flip, my body no longer relies on caffeine and makes me feel pretty crappy when I do fancy a cup. 

However, I do work in a coffee shop. (I know, right?!) I see the same people, day in, day out, who rely on their coffee to go. Sometimes it is hard handing out the paper cups. I even try to tell them of the monetary benefit - many coffee chains give you money off or double stamps for bringing in your own cup. Sometimes it doesn't fall on deaf ears. But, since Christmas, I have seen an increase in re-usable cups. People have been gifting the family coffee addict pretty coffee cups! 

The re-usable cups about today are so much nicer than the leaky thermos I used ten-ish years ago. And while I cannot partake in coffee as often as I would like, I do enjoy a good hot chocolate. I keep in my handbag, or in the water bottle holder on my bike, a funky bamboo cup I got from TKMaxx so that when I do fancy a treat I am ready to keep going. It's usually a sugar hit while shopping.

So mobile!

I have purposely switched back to a satchel handbag, rather than a small one, so that I can keep all my re-usable goodies to hand. It is the same satchel I used in college, even down to the bad badge collection, so if anyone knows of any reasonably priced sustainable shops which sell big handbags I am all ears. The poor thing squeaks it's that old and tired. Honestly, it's a miracle it hasn't already snapped.

My eleven year old handbag.

In my bag, I keep my re-usable cup, a water bottle, and an emergency tote bag. You never know when you'll spot a good deal! I could keep a straw in there or bamboo cutlery, but neither fill a need I really have. I like a straw, but I don't need one to drink. If I'm eating on the go, I've either packed a lunchbox or get some finger food. I don't take the plastic forks from the chippy - they never work anyway! If I'm treating myself to take out, I'm usually heading home anyway. I have also learned that my local Chinese will put my order in my tote bag for me instead of the plastic bag!

Room for all the important things like cups, bags, notebooks, books...

On big food shops, one tote bag won't cut it, however. I see lots of people still using the single-use bags, despite the 5p+ charge. I get it. Re-usable bags are easy to forget. It's why I keep one in my handbag, because you sometimes do just forget. To minimise forgetfulness, I keep my collection of re-usable bags by the front door. Typically we take: two bags for life for the main bulk of food, a string bag for fruit and veg, and a couple spare totes if the bread does not fit or something. We keep them packed together, on the top and ready to go. I have loads more, largely down to more being purchased due to forgetfulness from other household members.

Yes, they are mostly Star Wars themed.

All the bags you could need.

My hope is, making the re-usable bags easy access and right in front of your face as you leave the house will eventually just make grabbing one a habit. That's all this really is: establishing good habits. Hopefully, I will keep seeing all the new shiny cups at work as it becomes habit for others too! 

Ready to rock and roll.


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