Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...!

Guess what! Guess what! This is my 100th post. How awesome is that?! Here's to the next 100.

I've been mulling over what to do for this post for a while now. Not because it was specifically the 100th post but because of the way the end of April and start of May fell. My four week schedule did not fit it very nicely! But then my partner reminded me of the camera I received for my Birthday and how I had yet to test it. We have diving trips coming up soon and I would very much like to be able to post my own diving photos, so it is about time I learned how to use my shiny new camera. (Thank you, mum and sisters!)

But what could I test it in? We have pool sessions every Thursday, but are currently still receiving training for the Sport Diver course. So I cannot guarantee that I would have the time to have a play. Plus, it's a pool, there's nothing to take pictures of except abandoned plasters by the drain.

We do, however, have an aquarium. Of the non-inflatable variety. It was the perfect place to have a play!

Going in!

Meet the Tetris Collective!

Ok, so my aim was terrible. I'd like to blame the makeshift stick we'd mounted the camera on, but we've all seen my pictures. Anyway, this was supposed to be a picture of our three neon tetras, named the Tetris Collective as they all look too identical for individual names. Plus, the original Tetris died, the new ones bullied him.

Change the silver dollar.

This is Change, the silver dollar. She is a little diva and likes to check herself out. She also goes into a strop whenever we change and clean the water. She is a fish after my own heart. We're fairly certain she is an actual "she" too after some googling on my partner's part.

Eleanor and Chidi, the shraammmpies.

Eleanor and Chidi keep our tank clean. Well, they try. And yes, they are named after Eleanor Shellstrop and Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place purely for Eleanor's love of shrimp cocktail. We rarely see them because they are the same colour as the plants and love to hide, so I got more than a little excited to see both of them together when we had the camera out. Taking this picture resulted in a lot of water falling on me and the floor. Worth it.

How they see me, their mermaid overlord.

We do have another fish, Cheryl Blossom (yes, from Riverdale) the gold platy fish but she is rather shy. She likes to hide in the inaccessible corner by the filter, with diva Change to divert attention. Maybe she'll be less shy once we get the big tank finished and we have space to get her some friends.

To take these pictures, I used the corresponding app on my iPad. I didn't fancy navigating both arms in the small tank opening to press the physical buttons. So the app was very handy! It was easy to switch between modes and to operate the camera. Obviously, I cannot take my iPad with me diving - I had an iPod meet a watery end, they do not like it - but it was great for fiddly things like this where the camera would be far away from my hands. 

I'll leave you with a little video I took, which does actually feature Cheryl before she got too stressed and hid. (I feel you.)

I look forward to sharing diving and general adventure pics with you, courtesy of my new camera. Just need to try it while wearing my gloves!

Listening to: Game of Thrones (1-7) still. But can you blame me?


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