30 Days Wild

Last year, Carole introduced me to the 30 Days Wild challenge, run by the Wildlife Trusts. She invited me to join her and her kids on a litter pick around our town, and explained to me what the #30 Days Wild project was.

Litter picking on a sunny day

For the last few years, Wildlife Trust have run the project during June challenging folk to do "something wild" every day for the month. This can range from eating your lunch outside, to going on a big woodland adventure. Anyone can sign up for free - which they are still offering, twenty-one days into June! The digital pack includes downloads of the wall chart and the Random Acts of Wildness booklet. I'm guessing the posted version would be hard copies of these.

All wild acts are encouraged to be shared across media platforms with the #30DaysWild hashtag and there is a Facebook group open all year round! I am a member of that group and people share some pretty amazing wildlife pictures. And the odd tip on going green too!

There is even a 30 Days Wild app to help with all your wild needs. Through the app you can: sign up, take pictures, share to social media accounts, receive wild act inspiration, and access the Wildlife Trusts website for further information. It is really simple to use and available on Android and iTunes.

The 30 day challenge is open to individuals, families, schools, care groups - anyone who wants to participate. 

Wild inspiration from the app

This year, I decided to actually participate too. I didn't get the pack, as it did not feel needful at the time. Next June, I am definitely going to officially sign up and get the downloads as they are full of inspiration for what one can get up to. I did, however, make a 30 Days Wild spread in my recently started bullet journal. I was rather impressed with the stroke of genius to turn the hashtag into a tree!

30 Days Wild bujo spread

Unfortunately, this June has not been anywhere near as nice as last year's scorcher. In fact, I think today is the first day it hasn't rained. (Fitting as it is the Summer Solstice after all.) Because of this, rater a lot of my random acts of wildness have been soggy walks with the dog. I had visions of being able to put "Ate lunch outside" or "Explored river banks"; that sort of stuff. Regardless, I have ventured outside everyday, even if it was just the cycle to work. It is still outside. 

However, there are still nine days left of June. At the end of the month we are celebrating Dylan's birthday at The Crocky Trail, so I will finish the challenge with a bang! In the mean time, I hope that the sunshine sticks around so we can wander down to the river without fear of losing shoes in the mud! I have some aqua shoes which need testing, going for a wade sounds like a fab idea. 

While my ideas, thus far, have been a little lack luster (I don't know if you can see in that picture but one is legit "napped to the rain"), others have been sharing some great ideas on the Facebook group. There has been lots of IDing creepy crawlies, sharing artwork, even a few rescues of injured critters. It really is a lovely group, everyone has helpful advice and there is always someone who can ID a mysteries creature and plants. I have really enjoyed seeing what everyone else has been getting up to. Even taken note of some of the ideas I would like to try!

I am really enjoying the challenge on a whole and look forward to my random acts of wildness for the next few days. And next year, I might even try and plan of some slightly more epic acts.
Have you been doing 30 Days Wild? What have been your favourite wild days so far? Got any ideas for the next nine days? Lemme know below!

Listening to: This Is The Cat Empire


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