Mermaid Kitchen: Ice Cream

My partner and I like to watch a lot of SORTEDfood. It's funny, there are some great recipes, and I little love them all. They have a food made three ways video and recently we found their one on ice cream which reminded me that I used to make ice cream all the time! I know it has done nothing but rain these last few weeks, but it is June after all. And if that is not the perfect time to start making ice cream again, I don't know what is.

A summer treat

In the past I have made a raspberry ripple, chocolate, and bubblegum (at Dylan's request before they went vegan). Last weekend at the Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park I had a caramel and honeycomb ice cream. I decided I wanted to recreate that, as I know how to make honeycomb. But feeling a little more decadent, I decided to go for fudge instead of caramel. I kind of messed up the fudge by getting impatient and not heating up enough, so it did not set properly. But hey, it was going into ice cream and the freezer - it did not need to set properly!

The fudge which refused to heat up enough.

  • A can of condensed milk,
  • 600ml double cream,
  • Flavours of your choice; eg vanilla essence, honeycomb pieces, and fudge pieces.

Excuse me while I drool like Homer Simpson.

  1. Decant your cream into one bowl and the condensed milk into another.
  2. Add your liquid or powdered flavours to the condensed milk. I free-poured about 1-2tsp of vanilla essence. Other times it has been 2tbsp of coco powder or bubblegum flavour and blue colouring. (Because it has to be blue.)
  3. Whip the cream into soft peaks. The first few times I did this, I did it by hand. Don't be a pleb. Use and electric whisk - much quicker and the result is better too.
  4. Add the flavoured condensed milk to the cream and whisk again until it looks a little like melted ice cream.
  5. Fold in any solid flavours, like honeycomb and fudge pieces, being careful to not knock out too much air. It'll give your ice cream a weird, dense texture. Or, fold in a syrup for that ripple effect.
  6. Decant into a Tupperware or freezer proof tub and freeze for 5+ hours.
  7. Allow to soften before serving.

Ice cream is really easy to make. The hardest part is waiting for it to freeze enough to be ice cream! And it's so variable too. I have yet to make the same ice cream twice, though I may make this one again, my goodness it is lush! That may have a lot to do with the sugar content though. 

Nice fudgey vein there!

Have you made ice cream before? What flavours have you tried? Can you recommend any? Lemme know below!


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