Adventure and Fitness

Ordinarily, I would be taking this opportunity to talk about diving. But as it is way too cold to dive in semi-dry suits in the UK at the moment, my only update is that people loose an alarming amount of plasters in pools. So I thought I'd talk about another aspect of my life: adventure and fitness.

As I have mentioned in the past, my partner and I love a good adventure and we are hoping to have plenty this year. We are also entering a few running events this year and are actually taking training seriously this year. Our town hosts a 10k road race every year; so far my training has consisted of two runs in January and then one the week before the event. I have had little to no improvement over the years!

But this year we are upping our game. There is a schedule. It is colour coded. And it is on a whiteboard, so less wasteful than paper!

It took some serious brain power to get those boxes even!

And to further my dedication to my fitness this year, I have even bought some new running stuff which is not two sizes too small. It's a definite demotivator when your running stuff makes you look lumpy and rides up because there is not enough material to cover all of you. So I am donating my perfectly functional old kit to my sisters and wearing stuff which actually fits me. I have kept all my old event tees though, I worked very hard to get them!

Of course I have a Spongebob running tee.

This year I will be running the Market Drayton 10k again and doing the Thunder Run for the first time. This is at least three 10ks for me this year, rather than my usual one. The Thunder Run is a team effort of running as many 10ks over a 24 hour period as you can. Our team have decided you have to do at least two. I'm not sure I will manage more than two, but I want to smash the two I do. I realise my events sound very tame and like this level of effort is overkill, but my partner is doing lots of long distance events and I am supporting him. And a lot of my schedule is yoga based.

Plus, it benefits me too - being healthier and more active.

I am hopeful that this will help to improve my overall fitness. When we do our adventures I struggle. I am generally unfit. I have terribly tight hamstrings and tight calf muscles to go with it. So after a while, whatever we are doing really starts to affect me, phsycially, while my partner seems fine and dandy. It makes me feel useless which then makes me angry at myself for being such a let down, especially if I cannot do something. I have had to bow out of a few adventures or call them short for being unable to participate. In part, I know I get in my head but it is largely down to the fact that I have this image of me doing it and my body just goes nope! 

But with this new focus, I am hopeful that I will be able to do more, back out less, and enjoy more. So I have some goals and some adventures I want to take in 2019.

Fitness Goals:
  • Run 10k without stopping;
  • Do at least two 10ks for Thunder Run;
  • Wobble less (both mentally and belly-y) and;
  • Bend more.
(Seriously, it is laughable how bad I am at bending.) 
Advetures I want to take:
Some of the stuff I have done before, some of it is new; it is all exciting.
 What are your fitness goals for 2019? What adventures do you want to take? Share your ideas, think I've missed anything good from my lists?


  1. I want to get out on a few decent ‘wild’ walks (and just general exploring) both with the kids and without. Might give you a shout and see if you’re free to join us some time if you fancy it/can face spending more time with my two loons? 😁

    1. Sounds like a great idea. Wild walks and loons sounds like a fab idea. 😄


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