Bruce and Chum's Shark Spotlight

Bruce and Chum's Shark Spotlight

Let's learn about...

Goblin Sharks

Photo from Sharkwater Extinction

Shark Family: Mackerel Shark
Shark Brothers: Thresher shark, Sand Tiger shark, Basking shark
Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) - Population stable

Not the most handsome... Photo from Smithsonian

  • Goblin sharks are born at a length of 80-90cm (31-35 inches). They can grow to at least 4m (13ft), which is roughly the size of a juvenile Great White. 
  • These sharks live in deep and dark waters, across the globe.
  • Like a lot of their shark bretheren, they are carnivorous. They eat squid and crustaceans.
  • Their front teeth are sharp and designed to grab their prey, while the teeth at the back are smaller and there to chew.

Scary!! Photo from Pinterest

 Iconic Look
  • Goblin sharks have a large snout above their jaw, which gives them their unique shape and look. It is believed that this snout picks up on the electrical signals of their prey, making it easier to hunt them in the complete darkness.
  • Another handy hunting tool which adds to their look is their jaw. Already filled with teeth at all angles, it protrudes out to meet and catch their dinner - see the above picture! This is referred to as "slingshot feeding".
  • Unlike most sharks, goblin sharks are much fleshier and softer which makes them bruise very easily - like a certain mermaid we know.
  • Their skin also takes on a pale, bubblegum pink hue because it is actually nearly transparent and the colour is coming from all the blood vessels close to the skin.

Duhh dun! Duhh dun! Photo from Mental Floss

  • Goblin sharks have remained largely unchanged for millions of years. 
  • Their liver is up to 25% of their body weight and no one really knows why. Other sharks use their liver for bouyancy - maybe they do too?
  • Little is known of these sharks in general, as scientists have few opportunities to catch and study them.
  • The ones which are caught are usually juveniles as they will venture closer to the surface, despite preferring deeper waters.
  • They are not fast swimmers, they tend to just drift.

Bruce's Rating: 3.7/5 clams
Chum's Rating: 4/5 clams

Listening to: Game of Thrones (1-7) because I am still stressed out from 8.03!


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