Mermaid Beauty: Curly Hair Spray

We all know that I am not a massive girly-girl. I do not spend hours doing my hair and make up every day; sometimes I don't even brush it. But, I do like to take care of my hair and do a little to aid the natural curl. I have a few sprays, serums, and mousses but in the interest of reducing plastic and not purchasing unnecessary bottles I decided to have a go at making some. So I turned to my DIY Plastic board on Pinterest and picked this spray from for curly hair.

The ingredients were simple and contained the same moisturising component as my conditioner: coconut oil. Got to take care of the hair. And it was nice and simple to make. The longest part was waiting for the water to cool.

All you need.


  • 1 cup water, preferably distilled.
  • 1 tbsp sea salt
  • 1-2 tsp coconut oil
  • 10-20 drops of essential oil
  • Empty spray bottle 

Ideally, the spray bottle would not be an empty Febreeze bottle but it was all I could scrounge up. My current hair products are all a little too full to throw, so I had to improvise. And clean the Febreeze bottle thoroughly. The jury is out on how successful I was there.

  1. Boil a kettle and measure out a cup of water. Leave to cool. Alternatively, you can boil the water for five minutes, I was just feeling lazy.
  2. Save some of the kettle water to warm the coconut oil.
  3. Measure out the sea salt, coconut oil, and essential oil. The essential oil is just for smell, really, so somewhere between 10-20 drops should be enough. I added a little more, for the aforementioned Febreeze issue.
  4. Once the water has cooled, add it to the spray bottle. Close the botle and shake!
  5. Spary onto the wet hair and style the way you like it.


Hard to say. I used it this morning on my hair, but was not as liberal as I usually am with my sprays. I think I was a little worried about the whole "smelling like Febreeze" thing. My hair does have a lovely curl to it but it could have just decided to do that this morning, it sometimes does that. Not often, though, so I am hopeful this spray has worked.

Further experimentation is needed.

What hair products do you use? Have you made any? Can you reccommend any other recipes for me to try?

Update: Since writing this on Tuesday, I have used this again. It does give me some nice soft curls, so I am rather happy with this spray.


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