Mermaid Kitchen: Original Recipe Salsa

I am not one to shy away from spice. I accidentally loaded a burger with ghost chilli hot sauce and still ate it. Half my face went numb and I ate an entire head of lettuce afterwards, but it was damn tasty. While I have recently been experimenting with making my own hot sauces, I have had my salsa recipe down for years. And it's quick, it's easy, and it goes with everything. And it's adaptable as well, to suit your needs, be it spicing up a cheese fondue...

Camembert, salsa, and chips.

Or used as a sauce for homemade pizzas!

Still counts as one slice.

So, enough bragging, here is the recipe.

  • Tin of chopped tomatoes
  • Red onion
  • Yellow/orange pepper (or any really, those just pop the best with colour)
  • Oil for frying
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Tomato puree
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Chili flakes or powder (or both if you are brave)
  • Paprika
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Garlic
Immediately, this can be varied by adding more veg or not adding the peppers. Maybe there is a spice/herb combination you prefer. I like to add spring onions and spinach if I have them in - especially if I am using it on a pizza. Sometimes it all depends on what veg I have in the fridge. Jalapenos or fresh chilis are always a winner.

The perfet addition to fajitas and burritos.

  1. Oil and season your frying pan and leave on a medium heat. This is all your herbs, spices, salt, pepper, and balsamic vinegar.
  2. Chop all your vegetables while the pan warms. I tend to go for chunky so I've got something to scoop out with my torilla chip. It's not because I am lazy, no.
  3. Fry off your veggies in the pan, get them nice and coated in the seasoning. Crush and add your garlic now too. Stir regularly.
  4. Once they have softened but not caramalised, add your tinned tomatoes and tomato puree. The puree helps to thicken the sauce.
  5. Leave on a medium heat to reduce and thicken, stirring regularly so things don't burn to the bottom of the pan.
  6. Serve hot or cold, it's delicious either way!

As part of a tapas style dinner? Yes please!

This salsa is versatile and so easy to make. I honestly make it in some shape or form at least three times a week. Sometimes, I don't even add the spice and have it as a pasta sauce. Oh no, wait... I still add the spice. 

What's your versatile, go-to dish? Will you be trying mine? Know of any others I should be trying? Lemme know below!

Listening to: This Is Stars


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